Adoptions, Foster Care, Personal Life

Dear Teachers,

It’s the end of another school year and it’s been a wild one. I know we all see how important teachers are! 

I could spend hours, days, and many tears gushing over how much I love teachers. Not because of our current learning situation but because their love for my kids changed my life. 

We have always been blessed with amazing teachers. I truly mean that!  Every single one of my kids’ teachers have been amazing. I have a lot of kids and a lot of teachers so I have seen my fair share… but EVERY SINGLE ONE has been incredible.

Teachers… don’t ever underestimate your importance in a child’s life! 

In October of 2016 we received our second and third foster children, bringing our total kid count to 6. Those 2 kiddos were 4 and 6 at the time. Long story short, we ended up adopting them. 

When they joined our family those first several months were brutal. We had some incredible foster care training but nothing prepares you for the layers of trauma and grief that you can face with older kids. There were moments with our 6 year old where school became the outlet for his trauma and grief. 

Chairs were thrown. 

He refused to do school work. 

He shut down. 

He was angry. 

He was behind academically. 

He struggled with everything. 

He had a lot of hard, bad days, and some pretty ugly days in there too. 

But… His teacher loved him… really loved him. 

His principle loved him… really loved him. 

They patiently loved him through it all. This was so evident by the way they responded to his behaviors. Everything was done out of love; even the phone calls from the principle calling us to her office because he was out of control. Every encounter with the school was done with respect, kindness and gentleness.  

We were a few months in to being his foster parents and I remember his kindergarten parent teacher conference. Tears were being shed as we were honest about the struggle of being foster parents and dealing with the behaviors. We were mentally and physically exhausted. We wanted to give up. But I saw the love his teacher had for him, the value she saw in him, and that kept us going. 

Honestly, she saw value when I struggled to see it. 

I knew the value was there. Regardless though, when you are in over your head with daily grief and trauma behaviors, your only goal is to survive the day. Knowing my child was loved so fully at school gave us the support we needed to do the hard work at home. I have no doubt in my mind that his teacher paved the way for us to love him. 

She loved him first and we followed. 

Every single one of my children have been graced with teachers that go above and beyond; who give their heart into everything they do. I don’t know if words will ever be enough to express my thankfulness to teachers. 

That same kiddo who was so angry in Kindergarten now has a joy that flows out of him. He is one of the kindest kids. He no longer is sent to the principle office. We no longer get calls or emails about his behaviors. He loves schools. He works hard.

He is now legally our son.

My child’s destiny was changed because one single teacher loved him before I could. 

Teachers you have value beyond words. Thank you for changing my sons life, thank you for changing mine. 


One thankful mom

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