Foster Care, Personal Life

welcome to my heart

I have been writing this blog in my head over the past 5, almost 6 years, and have spent the last 6 months actually working on it. I can’t believe the time has come… it’s really here! Welcome to my heart! 

I originally was going to blog about our journey with foster care as we were walking through it… but it all happened so fast! About three years ago we opened our home and had three kids placed with us. About a year later we officially adopted them! And then… we closed our foster care license. That chapter was done.

We ventured into foster care because we knew it was a way to be directly involved with helping vulnerable kids.

Though I never did blog during our foster care journey, the journey of adoption will never end for us. It will forever be a part of our story.

So, why start a blog?

My desire for this blog is for it to be a place where different views and perspectives on adoption can be shared.

My life has been shaped by adoption. I have both biological and adopted kids. I have relationships with adoptive parents and birth parents. I have both biological and adopted siblings. As I navigate the waters of being an adoptive mother myself I try to keep all these perspectives in mind.

This blog will be a place to share stories from different perspectives where it relates to adoption and vulnerable kids. Every view point is worth sharing and exploring. This will be a place that helps give direction and information on adoptions and the relationships that surround them.

Also, we’ll discuss the Biblical mandate that we have to take care of the most vulnerable of children and explore the different avenues to adoption.

I want to share our story with you…. the good, the bad, the chaos and the calm.

Adoption is one of the most beautiful things, but it doesn’t come easily. It doesn’t come without heartache, or tears. However, it is also one of the greatest avenues of love.

So, come join me on this adventure as I share our life with you and hopefully you’ll see that when it’s all said and done… it’s worth it all. 


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  1. Nathan

    I love this blog so much. I am so excited to read about your journey!

    1. admin

      Thanks Nathan! I’m excited to share!


  2. Helen McGraw

    Thanks for sharing your incredible story…….

    1. admin

      Thanks Helen! I’m so excited to share more too! I’m praying this blog is a blessing to you.


  3. Melody Whidden

    I’m so proud of you both. My heart swells with pride and love for you, your journey (that has become our journey as well), and all the kiddos God has placed in our lives. Thank you both for being obedient to the call God placed on your hearts. Love you. 💕

    1. Shauna

      Yes, you didn’t really get a choice, you were thrown into the journey with us.:) Thank you for loving all of our kids so well!

  4. brit

    oh girl. you know i’m along for this ride!

    1. Shauna

      I’m so excited! We need to get together! We have a lot to catch up on.

  5. Diane Stamey

    Very excited to see your blog coming to fruition

    1. Shauna

      Thanks, it’s been a long time coming. 🙂

  6. Amber Mccavitt

    I think your story is so amazing. I cried when I first got to really know you and your family. Good tears. We were coming home from vital or regional and it was almost the day that you were able to share your family name and adopt. You were so sweet! You have such a big heart and are such a wonderful mom, friend and so much more…… keep doing what God is leading you to do. I have dreams of children’s and hope to one day adopt some. We have talked about it , prayed , and we will see what’s Gods journey is for Joe and i. We both love children’s of all ages. You inspire me . I love how real. , and understanding you are. Shauna and family you all are precious and we thank god for you. We will continue to pray for you and your family. As a mom i love my journey with my 2 boys ! I have had to cry , scream , Enjoy , pray , ect…. hold on tight to God Sense i have walked into my family life. I love it and thank God it has made me a better person inside and out. I love God plan for my life. He is so awesome!!!! God bless you all. Great job Shauna and Family. Pray for many blessing to come to you and your family.

    1. Shauna

      Amber, praying that the blessings of God are poured over your life! Thank you for the kind words!

  7. Holly

    This is great, Shauna. Look forward to reading along and joining the conversation. xoxo

    1. Shauna

      I’m so exited to share and excited to converse with you about all of this! Love you!

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